Wiping As Intended

Wiping As Intended was created in November 2010, prior to the release of Cataclysm, by a group of friends who wanted to create a guild consistent of equally skilled and like-minded players. The goal was to be able to raid the hardest possible content Blizzard could throw at us while also maintaining a semi-hardcore schedule that allowed room for a personal life as well.

Ever since the creation of the guild we have been able to fulfil this goal by progressing efficiently through the content Blizzard has offered. At the same time, we have been able to improve with every tier that has gone by. Today we have established us among the best guilds in the world who raid four days a week, whilst avoiding adding unscheduled raid days during the early weeks of mythic.

Our roster consists of players with extensive raiding experience with the majority dating back to The Burning Crusade or even further in some cases. Furthermore a significant portion of our raiders have known each other for years. Our members are (and expected to be) experienced, mature, passionate and dedicated to working together as well as being able to put the guild before their own needs to make our raiding as successful as possible.

Notable achievements

Tier 21 - World #57 // EU #37:
- Mythic: Argus--- World #57 // EU #37

Tier 20 - World #44 // EU #25:
- Mythic: Kil'jaeden --- World #44 // EU #25

Tier 19 - World #40 // EU #30:
- Mythic: Gul'dan --- World #40 // EU #30
- Mythic: Helya --- World #29 // EU #29
- Mythic: Xavius --- World #56 // EU #40

Tier 18 - World #65 // EU #32:
- Mythic: Archimonde --- World #65 // EU #32

Tier 17 - World #60 // EU #33:
- Mythic: Blackhand --- World #60 // EU #33
- Mythic: Imperator Mar'gok --- World #132 // EU #68

Tier 16 - World #146 // EU #115:
- H: Garrosh Hellscream (10) --- World #146

Tier 15 - World #54 // EU #43:
- H: Ra-den (10) --- World #53
- H: Lei Shen (10) --- World #65

Tier 14 - World #80 // EU #63:
- H: Sha of Fear(10) --- World #111
- H: Grand Empress Shek'zeer (10) --- World #121
- H: Will of the Emperor (10) --- World #186